Studying can be quite a handful, more so if you're intending to spend your exam packed week at a cluttered desk. If your desk looks like the common playground of the entire class, you need some serious help right now. Here are some quick tips on de-cluttering and organizing your study space.
1. Plan your desk out
Before you begin studying, lay out your desk. Ideally, you should have a concentration space i.e. your main desk space where you lay your text down and study, and a recreation space, which you utilize when you want to take a break.
2. Use simple distractions
Every once in a while you'll probably want to glance away from your text book and look at something else. So, why not keep a simple distraction handy? This can be anything that interests you; an interesting book to read, a Rubik's Cube, a Moleskine book where you doodle, anything that could provide you a brief break from your study table.
3. Keep the essentials handy
Every time you study, there are things that you are always going to need, so make space for them at your desk. These include a bottle of water, a packet of biscuits, a pen stand and some rough papers (for notes or just plain scribbles when you get bored).
4. Systematically stock your study material
During the course of the exam week, you'll find your table getting cluttered with extra study material and sheets of papers that you've already written on. This happens because you probably never thought of any space to stock it. To avoid this, create a separate space for all study material; bring it out and put it back as and when required.
5. Customize your space
Make your desk your exam zone. Make sure it's well ventilated and well stocked. Customize it if you want with a few post-it reminders of your time table or your exam card or something as simple as a motivational quote by your favourite author. It'll help you relax, stay motivated and study better.
Remember, while some ingenious minds can claim that they can't work without chaos, if you're a student, clutter is definitely going to affect your thoughts, mood and consequently your learning. So, clear you space and clear your mind. Happy studying!
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