The last time I really wrote was probably about 2 years ago. The words dont come as easily any more. It'll take a while, I guess. In the meanwhile, I'd like to attribute my current state of being linguistically challenged to writer's block. Subtly implying that I am a writer. Ha!
As a hormonal, moody, pseudo-depressed, pseudo-intellectual (not to mention, butt-ugly) teenager, I found it easy to write. My life was the stuff that miltonian tragedies were made of (or so I liked to think). I loved wallowing in self-pity. I liked feeling depressed. I thought being depressed and suicidal was romantic. I liked thinking I was searching for greater meaning in life. I felt cool being an atheist. I liked to think of myself as non-conformist. I knew the meaning of words like "hippopotomonoistrosesqueipedeaophobia". I read Plath, Marlowe and Neitzsche. So, all these attributes of my teen self meant that I'd never run out of topics to write about. And when all else fails, write abstract poetry. I used to randomly string together words like "shadows", " dark", "meandering", "strangulating", "past", "misty", "hues", "labyrinth", "existence", "life", "death" etc., and lo and behold, my cool pseudo-intellectual, pompous piece of "literature" was ready.
It isnt so easy now. I am not suicidal any more. In fact, far from it. I am still moody. I am hardly ever depressed. I have decided that I enjoy being an anti-intellectual more than being a pseudo-intellectual. I am hopelessly materialistic and do not think there is any greater meaning in life any more. I enjoy reading Harry Potter and Terry Pratchett. I am blessed if I know the meaning of words like adoxography.I am an example for others who want to walk away from the crowd and still enjoy the piece of pie. These days, the most "difficult" words that are part of my vocabulary are daiquiri and kahlua. I am as conformist as they come. I have reconciled myself to the fact that I'm boring and that there are no hidden layers to my personality.Period. Now, what do I do? What do I write about? :(
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