Being an endless sea of information, the internet constantly provides ample opportunities for advertising and marketing. The latest trend in online promotions is social media campaigning; using online tools of social interactions to reach out to a brand’s target audience. Here is a look at some facets of social media campaigns and how they can benefit you as a consumer.
1. Ads on profile pages: Many companies advertise their products and services on the web pages of social networking sites like Facebook, MySpace and Twitter. Every time you log in to your profile, you are greeted with personalised ads, keeping in mind your occupation, age etc. This way, you are mostly viewing ads of things that may interest you/be useful to you.
2. Groups, forums and blogs: A lot of social media campaigning is dependent on word of mouth publicity. NGOs, companies and interest groups all make their own communities and profiles on social networking platforms and encourage discussions and debates on their beliefs, values, social awareness, services, new products etc.
3. Updates by users: People tend to advertise their own good and bad experiences to their network of contacts. By doing so, they indirectly publicise a new product, a social service or even a public message from the Government. Sharing an experience in an update is almost like holding a conversation about it!
4. Online discounts: When you set up your profile on a social site, you also set up a basis on which ads will be broadcasted to you i.e. your age, occupation etc. Keep a look out for online discounts that accompany these ads, sometimes you get really good deals on them! Of course, exercise caution while making online purchases with credit cards.
5. Feedback and awareness: If you have had an experience, good or bad, you can give customer feedback for a product or a service on the brand’s webpage or discussion group. A good marketing team will keep up to date with online feedback and incorporate it in their product development, especially since the feedback is viewed by one and all.
Social media campaigning is the next big thing in advertising, with FMCG companies, NGOs and increasingly even Governments zeroing in on their target audience online. As a consumer, you are exposed to a wide range of products and services at very competitive rates. Social media also lends you a strong platform to support a cause, spread awareness, issue a warning etc. Go ahead and choose wisely!
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