Tuesday, September 25, 2007


Young middle-class Indians are the happiest people of all and much more satisfied with all aspects of their lives compared to other nationalities, according to a new global survey by Swedish research and consulting firm Kairos Future.
Further, work comes as top priority for Indian youth, followed by a good career and higher-status. In contrast, for those in Europe, a good living environment comes on top and above all work-related aspects, Kairos Future said.
The priorities of Indian youth -- work, good career and a position with high status -- are reflected in their values such as endurance and entrepreneurship. "Indian youth are also strikingly more optimistic about their own future and also about the future of society. The general picture in other countries is that young people tend to be personal optimists but societal pessimists," according to Kairos Future Group CEO and founder Mats Lindgren.
However, the study found that even though family is a strong focal point in an Indian society, youths here showed little interest in having a family and children of their own. When asked about what constitutes a good life, many responded that there are many other important aspects than having a family and children, the survey said.
"Indians are focused on their careers and are much more status-oriented than youth in Europe," says the survey. Over 50 per cent of the young Indians are with themselves in comparison with 'pessimists' such as Japanese or Germans, where only 17 per cent and 27 per cent are very satisfied with their lives.
"This satisfaction is also reflected in optimism about tomorrow," according to the survey.The study included over 22,000 replies from 16-29 year old and 30-50 year old people spread across 17 countries in Europe, North America and Asia. It was aimed at providing strategic information concerning future consumers and employees to authorities, companies and organisations.

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